Peach Pie Filling - Home Canned!
Home-canned peach pie filling--like summer sunshine in a bottle!! Think of peach pie or cobbler in February, when we're all wondering if the sun will

Perfect Peach Pie!
Peach Pie--life doesn't get better than a cool fall evening and warm peach pie and ice cream shared with friends. The glory of peach pie

Peach Crisp with Blueberries (Peach Cobbler?)
Some sources say a cobbler uses a biscuit-type topping where a "crisp" or a "crumble" uses a streusel-type topping. If that is the case, this

Peach Syrup
Peach Syrup! Great use for "end of the box" tree-ripened peaches. No matter if there is a bruise here or there because it will become

World's Easiest Fresh Peach Pie!
Nothing says the end of summer like fresh peaches. I store away recipes and ideas all year for the one month of the year when

Home-Canned Salsa
It's a great time of year to check out the garden or take advantage of a local farmer's market to create some truly cost-saving salsa.

Best Zucchini Bread
If you are like me, a trip to the garden often results in the discovery of an overlooked zucchini squash that has grown far past

Two-Minute Hot Fudge Topping - Dress up your Ice Cream!
My thermometer leisurely smiled at 100 degrees today, and I broke a sweat even thinking about turning on the oven. Perfect time for a cool

Decidedly UN-Sloppy Joes! Great for summer picnics!
Ever had that moment when you thought "I need a hearty, substantial main dish for an event away from home?" Or a quick and easy