Thickgel can be substituted for corn starch in the same amount in any of your favorite recipes, including pie fillings.
It requires boiling temperatures in order to thicken, but doesn't set up firmly like products thickened with standard corn starch.
That means Sunday dinner gravy will still be good for Thursday night leftovers!
Or frozen for a day when you're just too tired to cook!
Thickgel is our preferred starch for USDA canned pie fillings calling for Clearjel, as it is more stable and recommended for refrigerated and frozen applications in addition to canned applications.
This provides a great opportunity to get ahead of holidays or take advantage of bounteous crops.
Thick Gel stays clear-colored and won't add flavor to your recipes.
It has a wide range of applications since it is stable to both very hot (canning) and very cold (freezing) temperatures.
It is recommended for use in USDA approved pie filling recipes.